Operating in the renewable energy market over the past 18 months could be described like riding a roller-coaster blindfolded – with ups, downs, twists and turns – many of which have been unforeseen or otherwise difficult to anticipate.
The forthcoming general election is somewhat an extension of that roller-coaster with continued uncertainty over which party will be in power after May 2015 and what their energy policies will entail, shrouding the future of some renewable energy technologies.
Nevertheless, our renewable energy team are well practised in riding the roller-coaster and continue to be one of the UK’s pre-eminent consultancies working with and advising clients on renewable energy projects. Support from an experienced team ensures the ups, downs, twists and turns appear all the more smooth.
This was recognised most recently when the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) asked Fisher German to deliver training to over 250 surveyors and professionals across the country at locations as far afield as Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Southampton.
This is not the first time Fisher German have been asked to share their knowledge on the subject having been approached by several major clearing banks to evolve their lending policies and get their managers familiarised with renewable energy schemes with over 370 managers trained for one bank alone. The seminars have produced a number of new work streams for the sector and also resulted in Fisher German being inaugurated onto HSBC’s panel for agricultural valuation work – an added bonus.
Contracts for Difference
Until the election, current Government policies remain the order of play and the results of the first Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction have just been announced. There have been 27 successful renewable energy projects receiving more than &315m in financial support. However, this pales into insignificance compared to last year’s budget of &3.1 billion under the Renewables Obligation (RO) budget for 2014/15.
Onshore wind was the main winner in this initial auction being allocated 15 out of the 27 contracts awarded whilst large scale solar parks (5MW+) with planning issues or grid connection delays preventing commissioning pre-1 April 2015 [when the more lucrative RO payments are set to end] were the principal losers in this auction.
There will be little visibility over the shape of future CfD rounds until after the general election and low carbon policies post-2020 remain unclear.
Despite the somewhat turbulent and uncertain nature of the renewable energy market our team are used to adapting to change and are currently working with clients on enterprising and potentially valuable schemes including ‘gas to grid’ Anaerobic Digestion plants, 250kW roof-mounted solar PV installations, and up to 5MW ground-mounted solar parks, all of which are less reliant on government financial support. Add in anticipated growth in the energy storage technologies and the future for renewable energy remains bright.
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