Market Update
Defra has recently published a new consultation on Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS). This document will be of significant influence over future local planning policy, delivery of biodiversity net gain and agri-environment schemes, and therefore highly relevant to both farmers and rural landowners.
Tom Beeley, Senior Surveyor, comments:
“LNRS are a key part of the Environment Bill and the delivery of environmental improvement, particularly around biodiversity. LNRS will provide a local plan for nature setting out agreed priorities for nature recovery; mapping the most valuable existing areas for nature as well as specific proposals for creating or improving habitat for nature.
They are also expected to identify areas where nature-based solutions can deliver wider environmental goals like flood mitigation. It is proposed that there will be around 50 LNRS covering the whole of England with no gaps or overlapping boundaries. They are expected to influence planning, habitat creation, delivery of biodiversity net gain and also targeting of future Agri-environment funding so will be highly relevant to farmers and landowners.
To be effective, preparation of LNRS will require collaboration between public, private and voluntary organisation as well as input from landowners. Although it remains early days for the development of LNRS farmers, landowners and their advisers should pay close to attention to the progress of LNRS to understand their influence, input into their design and understand the opportunities which might arise.”
For more information on the LNRS, click here