DEFRA Ministers have now released details on the implementation of greening measures in 2015.
Farmers with more than 15 hectares of arable land must designate 5% of their arable area as an Ecological Focus Area (EFA). Currently there are five options including fallow land, buffer strips, catch/cover crops, nitrogen fixing crops and hedgerows, each carrying different weighting to convert the option to a hectare equivalent. The new rules apply from 1st January 2015, and so crops drilled this autumn need to comply with both the Crop Diversification and EFA requirements.
If your farm is under existing Environmental Stewardship, with the agreement commencing on or after 1st January 2012, you will not be able to ‘double count’ any options. Agreements for ELS or Organic ELS commencing before 1st January 2012 will be unaffected. Equally HLS agreements will be unaffected, and the relevant options in the HLS agreement can be counted towards the EFA.
Contact David Kinnersley or Will Taylor