New lambing shed at Broomhope Farm

New lambing shed at Broomhope Farm

When our existing client, Donnington Hospital Trust, purchased the Cragg Estate in Northumberland in early 2015, we decided to let all of the land to the young farmer who already had an FBT on part. His enterprise was 1,200 ewes and some suckler cows on just under 500 acres.

The existing farmstead was lacking suitable buildings meaning the majority of lambing was outdoors. The Trustees decided to commission a new sheep and lambing building which we started to plan in late 2015. By late summer 2016, we had planning consent and had agreed the successful tender.
Work commenced in late October with the groundworks followed by the construction of the shed to be ready by April. It has facilities for 600 ewes for lambing and it is fair to say has transformed the farmer’s life with a first-class modern building close to the farmhouse.
We are confident that the cost will soon be reflected in a decrease in mortality rates which are high on the Northumberland hills, with an increase in profitability. The farmer works largely using only his own labour and this building therefore greatly assists him.

The construction company were Farmplan Buildings Ltd, a local Company based in Northumberland. The building has already received much notice and admiration from local farmers and farming groups.
For further information, contact John Palmer on 01858 410200 or email here