Stop! Before you head out and purchase any new machinery take a moment to check whether you may be eligible for a share of the £15 million available in The Countryside Productivity Small Grants Scheme (Round 2) which is now open.
The RDPE Countryside Productivity Small Grant (CPSG) scheme provides funding for farmers to purchase equipment to improve the productivity of their farm. The scheme is different to other parts of the Countryside Productivity scheme as it uses an online application process and is targeted at supporting investment for specific pieces of agricultural equipment with grants available for a minimum of £3,000, up to a maximum of £12,000!
Items available have been identified following consultation with industry groups and suppliers as helping achieve improvements in either: technical efficiency, animal health and welfare, resource efficiency or nutrient management and are eligible for all farm types including livestock, horticulture and arable businesses.
A brief summary of the application requirements is as follows,
- You must ensure you are registered in the Rural Payment service and your business details are up to date.
- Eligible equipment must meet the minimum specifications shown in Annex 3 of the CPSG
- The standard cost for each item listed in Annex 3 of the CPSG is the actual fixed price which the RDPE will pay towards. For example, if the standard cost is £7,500, even if the actual amount you pay is only £7,000, you will receive 40% of £7,500 (or 50% if you are located in Cornwall).
- The price is based on new items only. Ex-display, ex-demo, second hand, part exchange, ‘try before you buy’ items are not eligible for this scheme.
- There is no need for you to provide quotes for any item.
- You must buy all the items applied for within the 150 days of the Grant Funding Agreement being offered and the items you purchase
- The standard cost is net of VAT. There is no option to claim extra VAT if you are not eligible to reclaim it.
- You can buy an item that exceeds the specification, but you will only receive a grant based on the standard cost.
- If the piece of equipment meets the specification of more than one item, you can only apply for grant on one of the items, for that piece of equipment.
- You must have a Single Business Identifier (SBI) number and Customer Reference Number (CRN).
- You need to be aware that if your application is approved, you must have sufficient funds to pay for the items upfront before you get your grant payment.
Further information and applications are available via the online portal on the Countryside Productivity page on GOV.UK which will be live between 9th July 2019 and midday 3rd September 2019.if you need help with your application or would like advice on any agricultural matter then please contact your nearest Fisher German regional office.
Chester 01244 409660
Knutsford 01565 757970
Stafford 01785 220044
email robert.browne@fishergerman.co.uk
email stephen.buckingham@fishergerman.co.uk