Housing supply is at its highest level for a decade according to figures recently published by the Home Builders Federation 'HBF'. During the last 12 months, more than 217,000 new homes were created - up from 186,000 the previous year.
This is an increase of 74% in the past four years to a level that is the second highest number of homes provided this century and the third highest since the 1970s. New build homes accounted for 184,000 of the overall total, a 55% increase in the past four years.
With the focus on housing these figures indicate that Government policies and incentives are starting to have the desired effect - and that commitment to easing the housing crisis and the chronic under supply across the UK remained a priority at the recent Budget where the Chancellor outlined a target for the country to be building 300,000 homes a year by the mid 2020's.
The objectives set out in the Housing white paper: Fixing our broken housing market are still a priority to assist in meeting the housing need. To plan properly so the right houses are built in the right places; speeding up the rate of build out; creating diversity in the housing market, at present 60% of new homes are built by just 10 companies, the Government’s wish is to encourage and stimulate delivery by small and medium sized house building companies.
In recent weeks we have also seen Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, writing to 15 Local Councils including North East Derbyshire, St Albans and Wirral Council’s threatening intervention where they are not making sufficient progress in producing or reviewing their Local Plans, stating his intention for the Government to intervene.
At this stage authorities have been asked to outline 'any exceptional circumstances' to justify their failure to produce a plan as well as any measures to speed up its publication.
This latest announcement of intervention is one of a number of measures intended to speed up the delivery of more housing through placing pressure on the Local Plan making process however, it is unclear how the government intends to intervene.
There is no silver bullet or single policy that will generate an increase in supply to the target of 300,000 homes a year, collectively the policies adopted to date have enabled output to grow and we should expect the same moving forward.
For further information contact Luke Brafield on 01530 567472 or email here