Rural news, information and intelligence can be found at the touch of a button thanks to a new app being launched – which also proves the value of team away-days!
Leading rural property consultants and chartered surveyors, Fisher German, has embraced modern technology and created an app that is now available for download.
Developed over the past year, it is filled with useful advice, information and tools of a rural nature all in one place.
The idea for the application, which is available to download for free for both Apple and Android phones, came about thanks to an idea by members of the Fisher German rural team.
Mike Reynolds, associate partner at the firm, said: “We were on a rural away and we had to pitch ideas in a Dragon’s Den style competition.
“The team I was in came up with the idea of the app and it won. For the past year we have been developing and fine-tuning it with the help of Loughborough based company Cuttlefish."
“Cuttlefish have a great deal of experience in the building of apps of varying descriptions and being local to the Ashby office who have led the development, they were an excellent fit to be our partner in this new and exciting venture.”
The app itself features news feeds from Fisher German and other news outlets, alongside an events calendar reporting significant rural dates and events and weather reports based on the user’s location.
There is practical agricultural commodities data and a functional currency converter and alongside that a weights and measures converter.
Useful details regarding Fisher German such as PDF’s of its rural publications including the Fisher German magazine, Agri-View and Agri-Facts along with the locations of our offices and colleague directory are also available.
To add to that, there is an interactive map with a hybrid function showing both the road network and a satellite view of the terrain which also has the locations of our offices marked on.
There is a function where users can subscribe to email updates and push notifications on up and coming events and important dates.
“We are extremely pleased with how it has turned out and it is very much a one-stop-shop for information within the rural sector,” added Mike.
“We are not resting on our laurels, we have many plans for the app in the future and will hopefully be including more down the line.”
Downloading the app is really easy, just go to app store and search for Fisher German Rural App.